Despite the fact that the latest Covid-19 surge is infecting children which was not the case in the previous Covid-19 waves, South Carolina leaders still think that mask mandate in schools is not an effective measure to keep children safe.
Some states already require children and staff in schools to wear masks or face coverings, keep social distance and even sit alone in the buses, but it looks like South Carolina is still far from such a measures.
A teacher advocacy group in South Carolina is asking parents to join them in demanding a mask mandate for the 2021-2022 school year.
SC for Ed pushes Palmetto State leaders to reconsider their decisions and follow the City of Columbia’s example and enforce mask mandate for school.
“We have already consoled crying parents, lost friends, seen children on ventilators, and watched pediatric ICUs overfull,” the group said.
Despite the fact that most of the parents and those involved in the schooling process support the City of Columbia’s decision, Attorney General Alan Wilson said the Columbia City Council and Mayor Steve Benjamin violated state law by mandating masks.
“It is the opinion of my office that these ordinances are in conflict with state law and should either be rescinded or amended. Otherwise, the city will be subject to appropriate legal actions to enjoin their enforcement,” Attorney General Wilson wrote to council members.
Gov. Henry McMaster last Monday said that such a requirements for schools within the city limits are against the state law and that, according to him, mask mandate, social distancing and school closures won’t resolve the Covid-19 issues.
However, SC for Ed decided to push the mask mandates asking local leaders to enforce mandates claiming that they have the power to do that. According to them, the local leaders have the power and the responsibility to fund and implement proven mitigation strategies such as masking and distancing in our schools.
“Don’t let them stand by as children and school staff are put at needless risk,” the group added.
In the latest Covid-19 report issued on Friday, South Carolina added almost 4,500 new cases and 20 deaths.
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