SC educators can decide how much end-of-course exams count toward final grade

Charleston, South Carolina – State education officials announced districts will not be required to count end-of-course exams as 20 percent of a student’s course grade.

This decision was made to maximize learning time and reduce stress during the pandemic.

A press release read, in part:

“…Unless a federal waiver is granted, districts must still administer the EOCEP assessments in the 2020–21 school year but may choose whether to include EOCEP scores in the calculation of students’ final course grades. In other words, districts may determine what percentage, if any, the EOCEP will count toward a student’s grade. In addition, teachers have discretion in counting any teacher-developed or curriculum based measurement in the calculation of students’ grades consistent with school and district policy. In making such decisions, there should be uniformity within each district such that no subgroups of students protected by state and federal law are treated differently.”

The South Carolina Department of Education is also starting a new program, giving students their own academic coaches.

The program is called ENGAGE for students from kindergarten through 12th grade who are struggling to stay “engaged” in their education due to COVID-19.

Cindy Carey


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