A woman was arrested on Thursday after she commented on police ‘Most Wanted’ social media post about her asking “What’s where’s the reward money at.” Police said that the woman, later identified as L. Graves, was wanted for being involved in a murder case and she has been on the run since March.
Her comment on the Facebook’s “Weekly Most Wanted” post on Wednesday was enough for the police to easily track her down and arrest her. Grave was wanted on accessory to murder charges.
Every week, a local police department in Oklahoma posts on Facebook about their ‘Most Wanted’ person of the week. Last week, the weekly most wanted person was Graves and police were asking the public for help in locating her. Graves is believed to be involved in the March 13 killing of Eric Graves, 30.
Two other suspects involved in the March murder case were already arrested and charged with murder, but police were still trying to locate Graves. It turned out they didn’t have to search that far.
Few hours after the post was shared on Facebook, Graves commented “What’s where’s the reward money at,” on the post. She was tracked by the authorities and arrested next day.
Shortly after her comment appeared on the post, many others commented telling her to stay away from social media, delete the post, she can be tracked and some were even laughing on her for commenting on the post at all. She deleted her comment, but it was already late.
Graves was charged with accessory to murder and has her bond set at $500,000. It remains unknown how Graves was related to the victim.
Even though her comment was deleted along with the other people’s comments, the police department shared screenshots after she was detained.
“Giiiiirl you better stay off social media they can track you !!” one person commented.
“Aint gonna be as funny when you get processed,” said another.
“Well did she get her reward money,” a user commented after news of the arrest circulated.
It seems like police not always have hard times locating the suspects.
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